Free Coaching Session
Experience the B3 System for Free!

Free Coaching Session
Experience the B3 System for Free!

Ashley T. - Google
I didn't realize how much I turn to Google Search, Tiktok, friends, or colleagues for answers. It's almost as if I lost the skill to trust myself and reflect on my questions. The Body-Based Breakthrough framework has taught me just that, and I feel like I got my power back. Thanks for helping me be more present at work, home, and in life!

Nicole - Twitter
Before my B3 session, I thought what we were doing was simply yoga (been there) meets journaling (done that). What I actually experienced was powerful and hard to capture with words. Through Body-Based Breakthrough, I was able to take an issue I was grappling with and found answers that were already inside of me. I just didn't know how to access them.

Joel Eden PhD - Disney
With many thoughts going on in my mind and feeling like I was lacking direction and confidence, I was thinking about how good I feel when I do body-based breakthrough.
It’s really great, and I love that it works, and I don’t know what’s going to come out of my mind/hand.